Why does it bother me so much that he has a girlfriend? WHY? Why do I get jealous when I know that he's spending time with her? What difference does it make to me? I don't want to be with him, so what do I care if he's with someone else?
Why, why, why?
I just don't want it to bother me anymore!
I don't know why it bothers you, but you have to come to a place where you can let it go. He is not a catch, and when he is nice and loving to her it doesn't mean you are less than worthy. It just means he is afraid to be alone. They will crash and burn together and be miserable. You will walk away from this knowing you will never pick another man like him again. You are worth more than that. You deserve to be loved and cherished and honored in a way he can never do for you or anyone. He is a crazy needy sick person and he is now with a crazy needy sick person. I pray they have a long life together.