Sunday, June 27, 2010

Roller Coaster

It's been a while since I've blogged. It helped that The Ex had been nice to me, so I didn't have much complaining to do.

Surprise, surprise, he pissed me off today.

Yesterday The Ex told me he was no longer in a relationship with his girlfriend. Then, that same day, he got back into a relationship with her. Like I was telling a friend of mine...The only thing consistent about this man, is that he's inconsistent. He's consistently inconsistent.

Anyway, he called me yesterday and asked me not to blog (on my other blog) about how he's been nice to me, or how he's been talking to me. He knows that his girlfriend is reading my blog everyday, so he didn't want me to say anything that would hurt her. Oh, puh-leeze. I guess it's okay for them to act the way they have towards me, right? But I have to be mindful of this woman's feelings?

I hate having to be the better person.

Then there was today.

When I picked up the baby, I was informed that he had not napped. He, of course, is napping now, at 5pm. This means I'll be up all night. I hate that The Ex doesn't keep him on his schedule. Anyway, when I got home with the baby, he started being rough with me. At one point he even hit me in the face. He had a problem with hitting in the past, but he seemed to be over that stage for some time now. I sent The Ex a text saying that if the baby's rough housing with them, then to keep an eye on it. Well, after about 30 minutes he called me. He went on and on about how the girlfriend's boys (11, 14, 17) rough house with each other, but not with the baby. He said that they do hit each other, but they're not violent. Um, I'm sorry, but isn't that the definition of being violent? I told him I didn't want details, I just wanted to tell him to keep an eye on him. I tried to cut him off, but he kept talking. The more he spoke the more he pissed me off. Part of me doesn't want to know what the baby's doing, as long as he's safe. But to hear that he's having fun with this other woman's kids, that bothers me. I realize that this could just be an issue I'm going to have to get over, but I don't know how, and for now it's just too bothersome for me. Because he's been nice to me, it made me drop my guard a bit. So, when he called, I would answer. I can't do that anymore. I can't go from him being an asshole, to him being nice, to him being an ass again. It's too emotional for me. I can't be the person he calls when he's having problems with his girlfriend. I'm not his friend. So, I've decided I need to go back to only speaking to him through text or email. He doesn't know this yet, but he'll soon figure it out.

After I got off the phone with him, I forgot to ask him something, so I called him back. He didn't answer, and I didn't leave a message. Then I sent him a text asking him to call when he had time. (This means whenever he has time. I wasn't asking him to call me right away.) So, he calls me right away and he tells me he didn't answer me when I called him because he's sitting with his girlfriend. He said that it wasn't appropriate that he was even on the phone with me at that moment. With that I told him I would talk to him on Tuesday and hung up on him. If it was so inappropriate, then why did he call me then? And, is it inappropriate? Really? I had to ask him something about the baby, but he can't talk to me while he's with his girlfriend? Am I the only one bothered by this? What if he gets married? He won't talk to me while he's with his wife? Doesn't that make it seem sneaky, like something's going on? I'm not calling him to have this great conversation with him. I calling to ask a question. What's with all the damn secrecy? He's not in the CIA!


I'm trying so hard to be forgiving, but when he continues to hurt me, what am I suppose to do?

I gotta shake that man right outta my hair!


  1. I cannot wait until you are divorced. He is a slimy, douchy, snake! actually snake is too good for him i am so sorry you have to have a retionship with him. I would do everything I could to avoid contact with him. It should go back to text and email only. He is sick, he is mentally unstable, and for your own sake, you need to have all contact on something recordable. Get a better lawyer. like yesterday.

  2. I wouldn't speak to him by phone at all. And be sure not to answer texts right away, don't get him used to making you jump to. Frak him and his GF, look forward to the day that the divorce is final and you don't have to be nice at all anymore :) Or better yet, when John's 18 and you NEVER have to speak to him again. It's a good place to be ;)

  3. Okay...#1 He should be telling his girlfriend to stop reading YOUR blog, not that you should not write about him or her. Screw that! Freedom of speech! Type away girl with whatever you want to say! (just make sure it is not something that can be used against you in a court of law) If she doesn't like what she is reading then here's a clue...stop going to YOUR blog! #2 I agree, only communicate via text or email. Got a question about the baby, send a text. If he doesn't like getting texts from you while with her then he doesn't have to answer right away. #3 Who ever said you have to be nice all the time? If he is doing something you don't like speak up...don't let him think he controls you or your life now. #4 Everytime you feel yourself obsessing on him and the divorce do something nice for yourself. Do your nails, take a bubble bath, watch your favorite movie...hug your kids and be glad that douchebag will have so little influence on raising them. He is the outsider have all the control! Grab the reins girl!
