Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

Yesterday was Father's Day.

My son was suppose to be with The Ex from 8-3. He text me the night before asking to get him at 9 instead of 8. So, he then missed out on an hour of time with his son. His choice.

That Saturday before he was suppose to get the baby from 9-3. At 11:04am, he sent me a text asking if he could drop the baby off early. I guess I didn't reply fast enough because he then called me and asked me the same thing. I asked him how early, and he said, "As soon as possible." I was headed out somewhere, so he met me there at 11:30. He had the baby for 2 and a half hours. Wow. I know it had to do with him and whatever it was that he was going through with his girlfriend. How sad that he put his own drama first. Oh, and the best part?! He left his shoes at the play area at the mall! He couldn't even remember his son's shoes! I guess I should give him credit for at least remembering his son. I was really mad about the shoes because I had just bought them. Turns out he went back yesterday and found them, but it took him a whole day to do that?

So, yesterday....I decided to be nice to The Ex for Father's Day. On Mother's Day he didn't say happy mother's day to me. No, not one word. Instead, he wished his new girlfriend a "happy, happy, happy mother's day." (Thanks again Facebook.) However, I wanted to rub it in his face that I could be nice to him, so I gave him something for Father's Day. Well, I said that it was from the baby. I gave him this inexpensive box of candy, along with some pictures of the baby and a card. On the card I put the baby's handprint on both sides. It really wasn't very pretty, the card was homemade and I didn't wrap anything. It was the idea that I wanted to get across, that I could be nice to him. You should have seen the look on his face when I gave it to him. He looked like he felt like a pile of shit. He almost seemed embarrassed. Later he sent me a text that said, "Thank you for my gifts that was very thoughtful and kind." Ha! Kind! He said I was kind!!!! I bet those words tasted good coming out of his mouth. Just the day before he said I was filled with hate and the sight of me made him sick. Ha! I won this battle, buddy!

Oh, and I guess whatever he was going through with his girlfriend ended. He dropped off the baby in her van, at the place where it's closer to her house. So, I guess him staying at his mom's only lasted 2 nights. They must have made up, those wonderful love birds. (Gag) I'm not going to lie, I was a little happy to think that they were having problems. Oh well. I wonder how long this will last. I was very curious at to what happened, but I never asked him. It took everything I had not to ask him, and I had to rely on all I've learned this past month. I'm proud to say, I didn't ask him about it. I didn't rub it in to him that they were having problems. I didn't let him know that I knew something was going on. I didn't say to him yesterday, "Oh, I see you guys have made up," like I wanted to. I let it be. I'm sure he knows I'm not stupid, and that I could figure it out. I feel victorious in that I didn't get involved.

Finally, when I picked up the baby yesterday, The Ex told me that he hadn't napped. :( It was 3 in the afternoon. He's suppose to nap from 12-3. Grrr. At 5:15 I sent him this message, "Can you please try to give (the baby) a nap when you have him for long periods. He's cranky and tired. He wants to sleep now, which means he'll be up all night. It really throws off his schedule." He replied back with, "I will. Sorry." Just like I thought, the baby slept from 6-8, then was up until 11. I hate it when that happens. I doubt that The Ex will do anything about it next time, but at least I have it down on record. My poor future lawyer will have every mundane detail The Ex and I have exchanged this past year.

Okay...On to a new day. A day where I do not have to think about The Ex....Anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Man I am so impressed with you. I would have never gotten him anything, and it was so amazing that you did. You ARE kind and smart and loving and beautiful. Too bad that he will only see this when you fall in love with a good man. And what you are not is filled with hate or ugly in spirit.
    I am amazed at you. Hopefully his kind actions last for more than 24 hours. But if they don't at least you had one nice sentiment in 6 months of crap.
