Friday, June 18, 2010


While at Target today, I ran into The Ex's girlfriend's granddaughter.

We were walking, and I saw this little girl who looked familiar. (Thanks Facebook.) She then went up to my son and said to whomever she was with, "I know him. That's (insert my son's name). He goes to my grandma (insert The Ex's girlfriend's name) house."

That's when I knew who it was.

I just said, "Oh yeah." Then I grabbed my son and we kept walking. Oh, and I smiled at the 2 women she was with.

I text The Ex later and told him. I debated telling him, then decided I should. What if the little girl says something to them and then he gets mad at me. Then after I thought that, I thought that maybe telling him was a bad idea. It's like I'm still under his control, you know? But, I had already sent him the text, so it was too late to take it back. I just told him I met his girlfriend's granddaughter. He just said, "Wow, you met her daughter." I told him no, that she was with 2 older women. Then I told him what she had said, and that I just smiled at them and kept walking. Now I'm worrying that he's going to think I was being rude, or that I.....Who knows. He always seems to twist my words. Which, again, made me regret telling him.


I hate making the wrong choices!

I should have not said anything to him. Then if she said something, I could have countered with, "How was I suppose to know who she is?" Or, "I didn't think it mattered if I told you or not." Or whatever.

Fail, Ms. Doe!

Okay, so for next time, when I see someone he knows, his family, or his girlfriend...What do I do? I need to prepare myself. This time it was hard because it was the little girl (3 or 4) who came up to my son. I can't really take out my issues onto her. And, she spoke to us. I wish I had known who she was, because then I would have went the other way.

Sigh. Oh well. Lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I think for next time is that I would not text him. Since he misconstrues (sp???) everything you are better off with very limited contact. I think you handled the granddaughter poliely. I mean, you didn't say, "your grandma's a whore!" All you can do in any awkward situation is to walk away. You do not have to talk to anyone whether it is his family or yours.
