Sunday, May 30, 2010

Another Day

Well, I didn't meet the girlfriend today. She chickened out. She said she wasn't ready to meet me because of all the crap that's happened this week. Crap that she's started, by the way. Both her and The Ex think that one of my blog post (on my other blog) was written about The Ex. In fact it was written because of The Ex, but not about The Ex. Either way, that post (or any other for that matter) didn't address her. I have no idea why she's so pissed at me. I think it's because she's jealous. She's comparing herself to me. She must think I'm better than her. Yep, that's gotta be it. (Please note sarcasm.) At any rate, I guess the anxiety I felt all the way up until I found out she wasn't going to be there, will return for the day that I do finally meet her.


Oh, and my peace offering went over a tad better than I thought it was going to. He did say that I'm not allowed to call him a liar, and then apologize. Well, buddy, I didn't apologize for calling you a liar. I just said that we need to learn how to get along. He misunderstood most of my email, of course. I think he just wants to stay mad at me. Today was the first day in a very long time that we had a conversation in person that lasted longer than 15 seconds, and for most of it he wouldn't look at me in the eye. He totally avoided eye contact. He doesn't believe that my other blog has nothing to do with him. Apparently I'm some evil, hateful bitch.


Maybe I am.

I mean, I do have this blog don't I? ;)

1 comment:

  1. You are not being are just trying to get through a bad situation with your dignity and sanity intact...and never forget your pride. Never judge yourself based on what this ignorant drug user says. You are a sweet, smart woman who is one of the best mothers I have ever met. I wish I would have had your strength and courage 15 years ago and maybe my divorce would have come at a better point in my life. Don't worry about meeting the other woman...she is NO WAY a good woman she's obviously kinda creepy...I mean she's cyber stalking you...ewww! Chin up girl! There is someone SOOOoooo much better out there for you.
